Latte vs cappuccino
Latte vs cappuccino

latte vs cappuccino

PS: Replace the “instant coffee” in this recipe with the real stuff. A little sprinkle of turmeric into your espresso or strong-brewed coffee will bring you close to the Instagram craze of a golden latte (or, fine, a golden cappuccino-whatever you prefer). Once you’ve gotten your milk just gently textured, you’re ready to rock and roll with some of the hottest drink trends.


See how to froth milk without fancy equipment, including a mason jar method, a French press method, and with a good old-fashioned whisk. If you have a stove or a microwave, you can whip up some whipped milk in basically no time. It’s hard, but not impossible to make foamed milk (or “frothed” milk, which is a term that makes me vaguely uncomfortable) at home without an espresso machine. Share on Pinterest Kristian Cruz / EyeEm / Getty Images You might like one or the other, or you might like both-here’s how to enjoy either at home. The size difference alone changes the perception of texture when there’s any amount of foam involved, but often it’s not enough: If you like foam on your cappuccino (as you should!), you might want to request the barista make it a touch on the “dry” side, which means stretching the milk more to give it an airier, lighter, fluffier texture. Often the way they compensate for the identical milk is to simply make the drinks different sizes, with a cappuccino running smaller (say, six ounces) and a latte tending a little larger (say, eight, ten, or 12 ounces). In many specialty-coffee shops today, however, baristas are trained to add the same amount of texture to their steamed milk by utilizing the same technique regardless of drink. (Just think of a “cap” as a hat, or a topping, of foam-that should help you remember the difference.) Ideally, or traditionally speaking, a cappuccino is meant to be a perfect ratio of the components: 1/3 espresso coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam.

latte vs cappuccino

If you look down on a properly poured cappuccino, it has a design on it called a “monk’s head,” a ring of brown espresso circling a thick white ball of foam-just like an aerial view of one of these monks, or so it goes. The term cappuccino has disputed origins, but many repeat the legend that the drink is named for the Capuchin monks, an order of Catholic brothers who wore brown cowls and shaved their heads bald.

Latte vs cappuccino